-: Jun 24, 2019 / whitemike

What we need more of in our cities

In 2019, up on 2018, which was up on 2017 is the un-ignorable issue we are seeing in this county of knife crime. This is all too visible and to some degree quite horrific to the extent to which another story seems to be the norm each morning anyone goes to check the news.
Gang culture as we see it today is nothing new, however knife crimes have reached concerning new highs in our capital as well as other cities across the UK. At the same time, there seems to be quite weak intervention from the government as to what they’re doing in terms of provisions to help counteract this damning issue. It seems also that there is such little choice for the average youngster or teenager to veer away from gang life. More choice and incentivisation is needed.
Sadly, rather than our governments stepping in to help, help is now being seen and sought from other sources. This article is a great example of what we need more of in our cities:
One can only imagine what it takes for people to feel the need to commit a knife crime, however at the same time, what help is there? what is admirable with the like of the Camden Youth Safety Fund is the fact there seems to be signs of a choice being given to youngsters. The bigger point however is we need this on a much much wider scale; London will always get more press than other cities however Liverpool, Leeds, Manchester – they have their own range of similar issues. It’s really not right that youngsters should be starting out in a life of crime and likewise, that our streets are this dangerous.
Overall, lets hope that these programs are the new beginning of something and something more and more cities should soon adopt. Time will tell, however lets hope this is able to deliver some fresh new hope as at present things seem to be getting more out of control which is sad.
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