-: May 31, 2017 / admin

Revised EYFS Released

The revised EYFS was published on 3 March 2017 and will come into force on 3 April 2017. The revised EYFS is available here.
The revised EYFS includes a requirement that to count in the staff:child ratios at level 3 staff who hold an Early Years Educator qualification must also hold a level 2 English and mathematics qualification.
The revised EYFS also includes the new paediatric first aid (PFA) training requirements that were announced in July 2016 via the government response to the PFA consultation, including that all newly qualified entrants to the early years workforce with a level 2 or 3 qualification must also have either a full or emergency PFA certificate within 3 months of starting work.
Here is a one page guide for providers detailing the changes to the EYFS.
Posted in: Revised Training
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